Good afternoon people,
I think one of the most interesting aspects of this city, is that it is completely and totally a walking city. And, I mean everyone walks. It is cool going to class and to experience a sea of different cultures, races, and creeds all walking so proudly, so determined to make something of themselves. But, I think the coolest people I've seen walking are the elderly. There's one old man I see nearly every morning and he has two canes that he uses to brace himself as he crawls across the street. Watching the sheer determination is quite remarkable. It's also cool watching the elderly women down at Pricness Street with bags upon bags of their recent purchases. It's kind of a "I'll stop moving when i'm dead mentality," and I like that.
The foilage has begun to change and the eccletic mix of colors is quite peaceful. I often catch myself, while walking or trying to study, drifting off into a deep reverie while gazing at the colors so intertwined, so conneted. It reminds me of a poem I wrote while at Reinhardt. It was a Wordsworthian style depicting nature as I saw it. But, it was also a methaphor where I compared the beauty of nature to humanity. In the poem, I note how unique the relationship between plants are and I question when will humans be able to emulate the same respect and cooperation for each other. My poetry teacher thought it was brillant. I thought it would be a long time before I saw "all the peoples harmoniously mixed," but Edinburgh defies the odds. It is a vast melting pot placed upon a tiny dish, and everyone works together to create such a beautiful enviorment.
I just returned from a great walk. The last rays of the afternoon sun were beaming, so I headed to the park to soak it up. Some friends and I were chatting about how cool it is to sit in such a place and just watch the people. There is such range of activities, and so many unique groups juxtaposed to other unique individuals. For example, a group of guys walked up and made a large circle and began to pass the soccer ball around. At the end of the circle, a man was dancing. At first, we wondered if the man was with the group and he was just fooling around. However, we would soon learn that was not the case. The man pulled from his bag large headphones, like the ones from the 80s, and began to find his groove. The dancer was legit. He displayed various spins, twists, and turns; he showed his influences with Jackson like kicks and slides; and, he got with it with a funky break dance routine. When he was done, he put the headphones back in the bag, put on his jacket and hat, and strolled away. His stroll portrayed confidence. He knew he was bad.
This is an interesting place. I hope all is well, and your lives are filled with joy. Peace.