Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Scientific Revolution

I'm sitting at my desk trying to prepare for my next class, which will cover the Scientific Revolution.  I find it daunting because so many incredible things happened during this time.  As it is an MYP class, I will stress that this great change in idealism and science happened because of inquiring minds.  The Renaissance era opened the doors of thought, of change and perspective. However, the age of science changed the ways we view the world.

What we need is respect!

After months and months of political discourse, millions of dollars spent, and issues diverted the US Presidential election is finally over. The incumbent, President Barack Obama, was re-elected by a vast majority of the electoral votes, while there was a near split for popular vote for both Obama and his opponent, Mitt Romney.

The problem with the elections, the process, and the democratic system in the US is that people become so entrenched in their ideals, and black/white they lose respect for the other.  This morning, while logging onto my FaceBook account, there was much discussion from Republicans slandering the other. Who is the other? Are they enemies?  Are they criminals? Are they socialist, war-mongering fascists who are going to take over the world?  The answer is simply, NO! They are you, and they are me. We are all Americans.  We are humans, and we all have dreams and passions. 

However, we are acting like children.  It is time we get it together and learn to respect each other. We need to go back to school and learn to share and not chastise others for their beliefs.