Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Life, oh how it moves!

After a night like last night, I am counting down the days. The ER was slammed all night; people everywhere. Pure Craziness. Not to mention a healthy taste of ignorance thrown in.

Alas, as i'm trying to get mad and write with fire, Clapton is jamming in the backgroud. His melodies and riffs are quickly calming my nerves. Good music, especially in the morning, is my best driving force. It releaves my stress and lets me know things, very soon, are going to be all right.

In fact, two great bands are performing soon and I will be at both. Gov't Mule in the end of July and the legendary Paul McCartney. So if you're feeling blue or just want to meet some cool people and hear some great tunes, I insist you come one. It will be a great time. I promise to behave myself.


1 comment:

  1. Two things:

    1) Checked out Gov't Mule and they remind me of a good mix of Umphrees McGee, Will Hoge, and Band of Bees. Nice. Also reminds me of my friend who plays at this jazz bar (Sambucca) every week in ATL - so if you're ever in the area on a Tuesday with no plans you should check him out (Chris Cauley w/ Chinua Hawk) - it's good stuff.

    2) Saw they are playing at the good old Masquerade. Awesome! Last time I drove by, the only letters still illuminated in their glorious purple marquee were "QUE"...which may actually make more sense than Masquerade because I'm almost certain that as people pass by it (those who aren't familiar with said majestic venue), often ask WHAT is that!? They obviously don't know what they're missing haha
